
We jump right in with this section of the curriculum.

You will be working on your first assignment along side the video tutorials. You will see explanations for both online color analysis and in-person draping.

Online Color Analysis

Take a good selfie and have it open in Photoshop. There are tips on taking a good selfie in the first lesson.

Go through each lesson in order. You will discover multiple videos within each lesson.

When you are done with this section, you will have the first part of your client e-book completed. This is the color analysis portion of your presentation.

Once you are done, you will move on to completing the rest of the e-book with your client's signature colors and recommended colors.

In-Person Color Analysis

If you want to train in doing an in-person color analysis, the instructions will be slightly different. You should still watch all the training videos so that you get an understanding of the color theory behind our color analysis methodology. However, you will not have to follow the technical steps to completing the e-book.

For your assignments, take a good selfie or photo of your volunteer before draping. There are tips on taking a good selfie in the first lesson.

Go through each lesson in order. You will discover multiple videos within each lesson.

When you are done with this section, you will have the first part of your client e-book completed. This is the color analysis portion of your presentation. This e-book is for assignment submission to demonstrate your draping process and analysis. You will not need to produce this e-book for your clients.

Once you are done, you will move on to completing the rest of the e-book with your client's signature colors and recommended colors.

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