Recommended Tools

Below is a short list of recommended tools you will want for this course and as a professional online color analyst.

Adobe Photoshop

You will want Adobe Photoshop. All of the virtual draping lessons are taught with this software. There are a few other similar softwares that you can try but I do not know the capabilities of them. It is up to you if you would like to use a different software or mobile app, but I will only be teaching the relevant features within Photoshop.

Google Drive, Powerpoint or Keynote

I recommend a software that allows you to easily create a presentation for your client. I use Google slides and will be teaching in Google Slides. The template files that I share with you have been saved as power point files. You can open these files in Google Slides, Powerpoint and Keynote. I will show you how to open these files in Google Slides.

Laptop or Desktop Computer

It is obvious you will need a computer. The only reason I'm listing it here is that I'm not teaching using apps on a phone or tablet.

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